
In October 20, 2023, the Vishnu’s Education Care Foundation was founded. This initiative was initiated by the founder, Mr Vishnu Coleman, after he was asked by one of his best friends, Miss Millicent Wilson, to help provide basic educational needs like school uniforms and stationary to her pupils. The school, located in a deprived area of Komenda Edina Eguafo Abirem, lacks some essential items necessary for it to function.
Due to poverty, many families in the community cannot afford essential educational supplies for their children. The area also suffers from inadequate infrastructure, with schools lacking basic facilities such as proper classrooms and sanitation. Additionally, limited access to resources like books and teaching materials hampers the quality of education available to the students. The school struggles with a lack of adequate teaching materials and resources, which hamper effective learning.


The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.– Martin Luther King, Jr.